(CEO of The CHANGE AGENT & Preventing School Failure, Patti is a Business Advisor and Bestselling Author of 5 Books, she’s an expert in Customers and Employees Loyalty and Change Management)
Why People resist change & What are the required steps to apply smooth change? What’s The Resistance Cycle in Change? Why we should let go sometimes to apply change?
Which industries in general struggles more to apply customers loyalty and why? What are the main areas to focus on to impact the level of customers’ loyalty to any company? Customer Loyalty Challenges Vs. Customer Leadership Challenges?
(CXO: Chief Customer Experience Officer at TRANSTERRA MEDIA)
How the Media Content is priced and soled to Different Media Outlets? What’s the Industry Pricing Standards? How Much Money a Journalists can get for each media piece submitted to Transterra?
How Journalists can register with TRANSTERRA and How the On Demand News Model Works and Priced?
(The founder of TJ Walker Speaking, Media Training Worldwide, The Speaking Channel, and TJ Walker Online Schools. He is an Expert in Public Speaking, Presentations, Speaking to the Media, Leadership, and Communication skills)
How to look Comfortable & Relaxed when you give a Speech, Be Understood & Memorable from the Audience & get the Action that you Want from the Audience
How Much Text should be used in Each Slide of Your Presentation? How to get paid speaking engagements? How TJ Walker Entered the Guinness Book Of World Records?