Deborah Robinson
(Award-Winning Journalist, Author and Television Personality. Her Ventures include Deborah Inc., The Deborah Interviews Show, Robinson Omnimedia Studios & Publishing and Green Orchards. Her life’s passion is to Reveal and Communicate Truth through her work in the Media)
What’s the Future of TV?, How any Journalist can Finance his/her Media Work? How Licensing the Media Work Really Works?, Major steps to Follow to be Featured in TV
The 5 most imporatant staff memebrs of any TV show and why?, How to make your Interviewees talk & open up about the most sensitive areas of their lives?
Video Interview
With English and Arabic Subtitle
“The best journalist in the State of Arkansas.”
“I love your energy. You’ve got the IT factor.”
Deborah Robinson is an award-winning journalist, author, producer, documentary filmmaker, and television personality. Deborah’s strengths are investigative journalism, covering politics and religion and she has a niche for conducting lifestyle interviews. Her ability to engage guests on any topic keeps viewers tuned in. Deborah has been described as passionate, intriguing, dynamic, spontaneous, entertaining, challenging and intelligent. Deborah’s life passion is to reveal and communicate truth through her work in the media.
Deborah’s media work includes DEBORAH LIVE!, The DEBORAH Interviews Show, DEBORAH Interviews, DEBORAH @, DEBORAH’s Pen, DEBORAH’s Op-Ed, DEBORAH Presents, DEBORAH’s Docs, DEBORAH’s Charities, DEBORAH, Inc. As intriguing as her guests, Deborah is the new face of talk!
Deborah has a gift for interviewing with the special insight to ask questions of her guests that reveal life-changing answers. Her passionate approach to interviewing puts guests at ease, giving them the freedom to open up in the most sensitive areas of their lives. That’s where Deborah’s passion lies. Deborah’s personal desire to live her life to its fullest fuels her ability to empower and motivate guests and audience members to do the same.
While currently writing two BOOKS: Sins of My Father and Willing Bodies: Inside The UCLA Willed Body Program and ghost-writing another, Deborah is author, editor, ghost-writer and/or publisher of five additional books: Legal Briefs on Immigration Reform from 25 of the Top Legal Minds in the Country, Journey to Purpose: 31 Days of Faith Declarations, Daisy Bates: In Her Own Words, Lady Silverstone’s Darkest Hour and Conspired Redemption.
Deborah is a former lifestyle expert for At Home Las Vegas, the former anchor of Deborah Interviews on The Immigration Law Channel, a former contributor to Fresh Outlook Magazine and a former correspondent for Black Entertainment Television (BET) News, where she covered Arkansas news with special coverage of the first Presidential campaign of President Bill Clinton. Deborah also served as a Fellow to the Obama for America 2012 campaign where she worked in the media office for the State of Nevada.
Touted by former Arkansas Governor and Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee as the best journalist in the State of Arkansas, Deborah spent her broadcast career in Little Rock covering local news, public affairs and politics. With a degree in Broadcast Journalism from The University of Arkansas at Little Rock and master’s degree studies in Journalism, her first job out of college was as News Director at a radio station. She soon moved to television as Program Director at a local cable channel, becoming at that time the youngest station manager in the country.
As producer and host of Real Story, Arkansas’ first newsmagazine show, Deborah interviewed diverse newsmakers from David Duke to Louis Farrakhan. As producer and host of Meet the Candidates, Deborah interviewed every candidate for every elected office in Little Rock, from Justice of the Peace to the Gubernatorial race. Deborah also executive produced and moderated the only primary debate for Governor Bill Clinton’s second run for Arkansas Governor.
Deborah has won several awards for her news and public affairs coverage, including the cable industry’s prestigious Crystal Award, a regional award from VH-1 and a national award from the Arts & Entertainment Channel.
Deborah founded Robinson Omnimedia & Studios and shortly thereafter moved to Nashville to executive produce The Deborah Interviews Show, a lifestyle television talk show. The show ran five times a week for four years on the national digital network, iLifeTV, reaching more than 7 million homes on more than 2,500 cable systems in 49 states. The show also aired on the Inspiration Network International, broadcasting to more than 42 million international homes once a week. The Deborah Interviews Show also had short runs on the WB and FOX networks in Nashville.
As executive producer of several television shows, Deborah has been directly responsible for every aspect of producing television, including show content, staffing, raising FINANCES, and ad sales. Deborah has developed creative producing skills for product placement, where products and services are seamlessly integrated into television programs and she has perfected the craft of bartering, where she uses creative trading methods that significantly reduce bottom line production and operating expenses.
As a host and television personality, Deborah’s strengths are investigative journalism, politics and religion and she has a niche for conducting lifestyle interviews. Her ability to engage in lively, unrehearsed, in-depth and interactive discussions with any guest on any topic keeps viewers watching and keeps audiences in their seats. Deborah has been described as passionate, intriguing, dynamic, spontaneous, entertaining, challenging and intelligent.
Deborah now brings her business, media, marketing, and television experience full circle with her media work based in Las Vegas. Her life’s passion and purpose is to reveal and communicate truth through her work in the media.
Website & Social Media
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Interview Questions
- How did you start your career in Media, what’s your background and where did you study?
- What’s your current focus in the media world and why?
- Which media channel you prefer to publish your content?
- Do you keep the rights to your contents when you have an agreement with a TV show or in most cases they own the content rights?
- Share with us the techniques that you use to research the guests that you interview?
- How to make your guests talk about and open up in the most sensitive areas of their lives?
- From your experiance how many staff are required to start a TV show on TV?
- The 5 most imporatant staff memebrs of any TV show and why?
- How to pitch and attract sponsors to a TV show?
- How any Journalist can finance his/her media work?
- Share with us some of your main strategies that you have used in FINANCING
your media projects?
- Do you license some of your media work? How it works?
- What are the new things that you learned from working in Obama for America 2012 campaign?
- The main differances that you found between working in the Radio and TV industries?
- How to be features in the Radio?
- Major steps to follow to be featured in TV?
- Do you provide a service to feature your clients in the media?
- Many people are making their on Web TV shows, what are the stpes that they should follow to take their show into Tv by signing a contract with a TV channel?
- How to find an agent or distributor to pitch a TV show to differnt channels?
- Legal things to worry about in case of licencing a web Tv show to TV station or distributor?
- Tell us about your writing journey, the books that you wrote and you coming books?
- Did you publish or self-publish your books? Why and how’s your experience with self-published books?
- How much you charge for your ghostwriting service?
- How do you write efficiently?
- What’s your daily life and work routine looks like?
- Who’s your no.1 mentor?
- What are the Top 3 apps that you use on your smart phone?
- What are the habits that you are trying to develop to stay efficient?
- What are your top 3 favorite BOOKS
- What are the top 3 people that you are inspired by?
- What makes you really happy?
- How people can contact you?