Princess Fizz
(Mediapreneur, Network Marketer and the Founder and Host of I Have A Dream Show)
Which Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing Platforms you Recommend and which Platform made you the most it terms of Money & Credibility?
What are the major things that are holding people back from achieving their dreams? What’s Empower Network’s Viral Blogging System? And why your involvement decision in this system has changed your life?
Video Interview
With English and Arabic Subtitle
I Am Princess Fizz, founder and host of I Have a Dream Show
Sure, I may be an Entrepreneur now, but I haven’t always been one. Here’s a little background on how I came up with the idea to launch my WebTv show, and also how I’m directing all my passion and energy towards fulfilling I Have A Dream Show’s goal of Encouraging Millions to Dream Again.
The day I left
I come from the middle east from a very important family(royals in the arab work) and most of my life I have been oppressed for being a woman.
The honour of men in that part of the world is measured by how well they hide their women. 23 years of my life was spent behind four walls, no communication to outside world and in full head to toe covering. Even hands yes! No disrespect to anyone that does this out of choice but that is exactly it!! It has to be a choice.
Anytime I questioned the system, I was shut down by being told “because you are a women”…
Due to depression, I turned to books from inspiring leaders from around the world. We had a fantastic library where I could just pick up a BOOK and get inspired in my own world of leaders such as Socrates, Martin Luther King, Hussain Ibn Ali, Ali Ibn Abu Talib and mystics such as Shamz of Tabriaz and Rumi.
At age of 13 I remember reading from Rumi that everyone is made for a purpose and the desire for that purpose has been put into people hearts.
This statement I read over and over and was totally engrossed in it and made different senses to me at different stages of my life.
I learnt from leaders from the past that one has to make sacrifices to bring about a change.
My day changed when I was forcefully married to someone that I didn’t want and had a daughter. First of all my birth of having a baby girl was not celebrated and secondly she had a visual impairment. You can imagine that sense of rejection I faced, going as far as saying that it was my own fault for questioning the system that I was punished.
I couldn’t take it anymore. The passion for FREEDOM what was growing over the years finally ignited. I decided. I decided to leave and everything I had, wealth, large home comfortable lifestyle for FREEDOM
I ended up in UK with a 2 month old baby and started from scratch. Facing many challenges, trials I always had the FREEDOM mindset and intense passion to livelife on my terms that I was able to get through.
Starting up my own web AGENCY in 2009 to being an online entrepreneur in few years.
There are reasons I started looking for alternative routes to having own business, mainly because of spending more time with my daughter and WORKING less hours. My agency was demanding, 18 hour a day and a fixed income level of £5000 per month that wasn’t really growing.
I wanted more time for less work but equal value. So I after years of being an affiliate marketer being paid lousy COMMISSIONS of 40% max for a whole lot of work, I stumbled upon Empower Network in April 2013.
My decision to get involved has changed my life.
This is where IHaveADreamShow was born. How and why is another story that you will have to ask me one day
The reason I shared my journey with you is because you have to be a dreamer. Think big, whatever your situation is, it is all in power of DECISION which is your GOD given right to make a change,
Think positive, have a huge vision and a WHY you want it that makes you emotional and then TAKE MASSIVE ACTION. I promise you my friends you will achieve what you set your mind to.
Websites & Social Media Links
Interview Questions
- From where you are in the Middle East and what was the inspiration to leave the Middle East and move to the UK?
- Is your real name is Princess Fizz? If not why you come up with this name?
- Why you started a web agency when you moved to the UK? What’s your computer and INTERNET
- What are you focused on right now in terms of business?
- You worked as affiliate, what was your struggle with the affiliate marketing?
- Which Affiliate Platforms you recommend and which one made you the most about of money?
- What’s Empower Network’s Viral Blogging System? And why your involvement decision in this system has changed your life?
- How and why I Have Dream Show was born?
- How do you research and find your guests?
- How do you monetize your show?
- What are the major things that are holding people back from achieving their dreams?
- What do you usually advise your clients who just want to start online to do?
- From which products or service most of your income is coming from?
- What’s network marketing? And how it works?
- From where to start if I want to become a network marketer?
- Can you recommend any network marketing platforms?
- How the book community that is you running works?
- Tell us more about your coming book Dream Catcher
- How much you charge per hour for consultation?
- Tell us more about your other projects that you are currently WORKING
on or planning for the future?
- Share with us some of the tools that make you more efficient?
- What’s your daily life and work routine looks like?
- What are your other hobbies?
- Who are your top 3 mentors?
- The most important factors for success in 3 words?
- What are the Top 3 apps that you use on your smart phone?
- What are the habits that you are trying to develop to stay efficient?
- What are your top 3 favorite books?
- What are the top 3 people that you are inspired by?
- What makes you really happy?
- Do you have any notes or suggestions to improve Be Efficient Tv?
- How people can contact you?