Kurek Ashley
(Former Hollywood Actor, Success Coach and expert in Self-Discovery, Personal & Business Development and Peak Performance and The Author of the #1 International Best Seller How would Love Respond?)
Why we want more zeros in our Life in terms of money? What’s the law of circulation and what’s its relationship with money? How to Train our Self to take more new Decisions to Transform our Life? What’s the formula to Consistent Success and Positive Results?
Why Kurek did Quit his Acting Career in Hollywood? Why Kuruk Was Homeless 3 times in his life, How did you take the Australian Beach Volleyball team into Gold Medal in Sydney Olympics?
Video Interview
With English and Arabic Subtitle
Kurek Ashley is the #1 international best selling author of “How would Love respond?”. Within four hours of the book being released it took the number 1 spot on Amazon.com for “Hot New Releases”, and “Movers and Shakers” and #4 on Barnes and Nobles.
Kurek is considered to be one of the most in demand first class speakers and sought after success coaches in the world. He is recognised as one of the premier experts in personal and professional development, self-discovery and peak performance. For over 20 years, Fortune 500 companies and major corporations around the world, such as Apple, Seagate, Schwarzkopf, Westin Hotels, The Australian Royal Airforce and Carlton United Brewery, hire Kurek to teach them tactical success strategies that have produced awe-inspiring results.
His list of private clients include; Hollywood film and TV stars, movie directors, producers and cinematographers, a quintuple platinum rock band, hit music composers, top business leaders, oil executives in Kuwait, Olympic GOLD Medalists, professional athletes and sports teams, and the list goes on and on.
Working in over 16 countries around the world, giving up to 100 presentations, workshops and seminars a year, and through hundreds of media appearances, Kurek has impacted the lives of millions of people around the world.
Anthony Robbins says, “Kurek you are the truly the embodiment of the word Outstanding!”
Meeting Kurek, whether it is in person, through his books or his programs, he ignites the desire in you to want to live your life to the fullest and he powerfully gives you the tools to do it. He has an uncanny ability to connect with every person in the room and every person in the audience walks away feeling as if Kurek was speaking directly to them. His passionate, raw honesty will take your breath away and his infinite ability to love will stir the depths of your soul and enable you to realize your greatness.
Websites & Social Media Links
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0039080/ https://www.facebook.com/kurek.ashley1
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Interview Questions
- Why did you quit your acting career in Hollywood?
- What’s your background before you started your acting career?
- Why you decided to become an author, coach and speaker?
- What happened during the shooting of Delta Force 2 movie?
- How to overcome our depression after certain personal loss or business failure?
- How to manage the way we think and feel?
- How to train our self to take more new decisions to transform or change our life?
- How to be committed to our decisions?
- How to INVEST
the right time and resources to transform our life?
- How to produce real tangible results in our life?
- How to transform the positive action that we do into habits?
- What’s the formula to consistent success and positive results?
- Define personal financial freedom?
- What’s money and HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY
- Why we want more zeros in our life in terms of money?
- What’s the law of circulation and what’s its relationship with money?
- What’s the glass or fire walking is adding to us from your experience with your clients?
- How to define our voice and message to SHARE
it with the world?
- What are the main myths about success?
- What’s the life success club?
- How did you take the Australian Beach Volleyball team into Gold Medal in Sydney Olympics?
- What are the strategies that you implement to GET PAID
speaking engagements?
- How do you market your coaching services and what’s the sales funnel that you use that worked for you the best?
- What are the techniques that you used to write your book?
- Did you publish or self-publish your book?
- Best book agent and editor that you have ever worked with?
- What did you do to market your book?
- You charge $27000 a year per client for 1:1, how it works and who’s your main clients?
- Tell us more about your other projects that you are currently working on or planning for the future?
with us some of the tools or software that make you more efficient?
- What’s your daily life and work routine looks like?
- What are your other hobbies?
- Who are your top 3 mentors?
- The most important factors for success in 3 words?
- What are the Top 3 apps that you use on your smart phone?
- What are the habits that you are trying to develop to stay efficient?
- What are your top 3 favorite books?
- What are the top 3 people that you are inspired by?
- Do you listen to any music when you WORK
- Do you follow any routine to sleep?
- What makes you really happy?
- How people can contact you?