E47: How to Become A Licensee for A TEDx Event at Your City and The Inspirational Story for Birth of TEDx in Baghdad & Erbil – Part 1 – Interview with Yahay Alabdeli

Yahay Alabdeli

(The Founder and Licensee of TEDx Baghdad and TEDx Erbil)

Yahay Al Abdeli on Be Efficeint Tv with Ahmed Al Kiremli (1)

What’s is the Difference Between TED and TEDx? How to Become A licensee for TEDx in a Specific City? Do you Need to Pay any Fee to become a Licensee for TEDx in your City?  TEDx Events are Free or Paid events?

The Main struggles to bring TEDx to Iraq? and the Inspiring Story of Yahay Al Abdeli and the Birth of TEDx Baghdad and Erbil

E25: How to Build A Successful Corporate & Family Events Company – Interview with Lorate Hamzeh

Lorate Hamzeh

 Lorate Hamzeh on Be Efficient Tv with Ahmed Al Kiremli

How to Build Your Event Company and On Which Events you Should Focus?

How to Hire Skilled Staff for an Event Company? and How to Market Efficiently Offline and Online for your Events Company?