E43: How Kurek Ashley Moved from Being Homeless to Acting Career in Hollywood then back to being Homeless Again twice before Overcoming his Fears and then Becoming A Successful Peak Performance Coach – Interview with Kurek Ashley

Kurek Ashley

(Former Hollywood Actor, Success Coach and expert in Self-Discovery, Personal & Business Development and Peak Performance and The Author of the #1 International Best Seller How would Love Respond?)

kurek ashley on Be Efficient Tv with Ahmed Al Kiremli

Why we want more zeros in our Life in terms of money? What’s the law of circulation and what’s its relationship with money? How to Train our Self to take more new Decisions to Transform our Life? What’s the formula to Consistent Success and Positive Results?

 Why Kurek did Quit his Acting Career in Hollywood? Why Kuruk Was Homeless 3 times in his life, How did you take the Australian Beach Volleyball team into Gold Medal in Sydney Olympics?

Asset vs. Liability

Many people don’t know the difference between asset and liability, and as a result, most of those people struggle financially. Basically, an asset is something that is going to add money to your bank account or pocket, and a liability is something that’s going to take the money from your bank account or pocket.

Asset vs. liability

When some people buy a car or a house, they think this thing is an asset. However, it’s usually a liability. If you buy a car and the car has a certain value, the value will go down the day you take it out from the dealership. There also are expenses related to the car that you are going to pay for over time, such as service, going through the car wash, insurance, and parking fees. A car basically is a liability because it’s taking money from your pocket.