How to Find a Location for your Brand at the Mall?


Selecting the right location for your brand, as a business owner, is one of the most important things, you have to do, especially if you are setting up in a mall. Typically, malls are filled with lots of brands, some of which include competitors, irrelevant brands to your niche and complementary or others that supplement your brand in one way or the other. Selecting the right location for your brand deserves careful thought, lest you make a big mistake when setting up. The following are some of the simple things that you need to consider before you settle on a location for your brand in a mall

The Mall

One of the most important questions that you have to ask yourself is whether or not your brand will be able to fit in the mall. To do this you will have to conduct your research beforehand to determine the kind of competition that is available in the mall, or lack thereof. The size of the mall is also important, whether the mall is a big one or a relatively smaller one. Is the mall famous or not? Is the mall located in a tourist city?
Though not all mall management departments can do this, you can make attempts to enquire into the periodic visitor traffic that gets into and out of the mall. If possible, take your time and visit other malls so that you have an idea what they are offering as compared to the one you are interested in. Generally, a mall worth your time should have at least 10000-30000 visitors on a daily basis and again that depends on your brand and its location in the mall.

Before you get space in a mall, the management will usually ask you for a presentation of your business or company. In the process, you might have some forms to fill out as regards the space you want and any other details that the management might find necessary.
Once you have filled the forms expected, you will wait for the management to contact you. In most cases, they never do, but this does not mean you should give up either. However, in the event that you get a quick response from the management, chances are high that they are either struggling, or your presentation was just awesome.


In order for you not to be overwhelmed by the process, it is advisable that you hire someone whose role would be to look through the prospective malls you are interested in to save your time. You can only come in once you have been briefed and the project is in the later stages.
It is important to note that you should not be too excited about the mall because this might influence the owner’s options out of your favor. You should still be aware that getting the location right does not always happen to everyone, as there are those who have managed to get stores in high traffic malls but still have not managed to break even. Things like the rent that you will pay should be related to the amount you make in terms of sales on a daily basis.


At the same time, getting the demographics of the mall will also be an important element that you have to consider because you have to know the type of clientele that you are dealing with. From the nationalities to the ages, all this is important information that you have to get. You can also extend this knowledge to finding out the particulars of those who live around the mall and their age groups, the things they like, their cultural affiliations and so forth.


Competition is always the key to your brand location. There are brands that will thrive from the economies of scale associated with their competitors, especially in the tech sector. However, this does not always work for all businesses. Depending on how you want to work about your brand, proximity to your competitors can work both ways. Unsatisfied competitor customers can seek solace in your brand, while you might also lose some to the competition. This is a tricky affair though, but an important element that you must take into consideration.


One thing that you can be guaranteed is that the mall is a pretty crowded place, full of people and stores. Therefore, you need to determine how easy to access your brand will be for your target buyers. All brand owners desire to have their stores easily accessible to shoppers and other clients so you should carefully consider this. Besides, the easier it is for clients to access your store the easier it will be for you to do business. Most shoppers also prefer stores where they can walk in and out very conveniently without feeling too claustrophobic.

Future growth

Is there room for growth for your brand at the mall? This is an important question especially if you are planning to expand the brand over the coming trading periods. If you hope to expand in the future, you should consider looking for an appropriate location that can allow you the kind of flexibility that you need.


Setting up a spot for your brand at the mall will definitely come with some costs involved. Chances are high that the spot you will get will not be business ready. Therefore, you will need to look into things like renovation costs, decoration, IT system installation and upgrades and such stuff. Once you already have such costs in mind, you can consider whether or not you can afford them comfortably while at the same time handling the requirements for setting up your brand.

Final take

Eventually the right location for your business will also come down to how much you are willing to pay for the store to lease it. You have to conduct enough research about the mall, the potential for growth, the owner’s perception on your line of business and other aspects that can determine the amount of money you will be required to pay for your ideal space.

How to Make the Move from Reading a Couple of Books a Year to Two Books a Week

It is not a secret that learning is a crucial key for transforming yourself and attaining the ability to achieve anything you desire. I often refer to books as the treasure or one of the main secrets to success. Everyone learns for various reasons. Whether it is to make money, get ahead in your career or to improve your self-esteem or solve a certain problem.

Unfortunately, not everyone enjoys reading. In the past, it usually took me between six months to a year just to complete one or two books. I struggled quite a bit because reading has never been a fun experience for me. Even when I was studying at university, I found it to be difficult. I would lie on my bed and try to read and within about 30 minutes, I would fall asleep. So, I struggled tremendously with learning efficiently.

Everyone learns, but it is really a matter of how much you learn within a minimum timeframe. For instance, I spent time trying to learn, but I was not doing it at a very efficient rate. Then, I discovered audio books and they literally transformed my life. Suddenly, I gained a huge advantage for learning.

As you may or may not be aware, when you read, you retain about ten percent of what you read. When you listen; however, you remember twice that, about twenty percent. Therefore, audiobooks give you a huge advantage when it comes to learning.

Once I discovered this, I started to listen to audiobooks more and more. To make things easier, I use a service from a website called which is a site owned by Amazon. The advantage of this service is that the length of most books is about 5 hours. That, of course varies, but on average, they are about 4-5 hours. The books can be downloaded from your digital library, which you can check online, listen to the books from your library online or download the books to your computer or Mac and then burn the books to CDs through iTunes. This is quite efficient for me because I mainly use the books while I am in the car. Plus, having a digital library can save you a huge amount of space by eliminating the need to have big stacks of actual books.

If your sound system in your car has Bluetooth, then you can link the Audible app on your tablet or phone through the car system and you do not even need to burn the CDs at all. The Audible app is available and can be downloaded for free on most smart phones. Your digital online library will be shown on the audible app, so you can listen to the books through your headset from your smart phone and then when you get into the car, you complete the book from where you have reached on the sound system. Also, you can bookmark some chapters or add notes to it through the app.

Most people spend, on average, between two and three hours driving in the car per day. Imagine for a moment if you skip listening to music while you are in the car and instead just listen to the audiobooks. In most instances, I can finish a book within just a couple of days. Now, on average, I finish 2-3 books per week, whereas in the past I was only able to finish 1-2 books per year.

This method has completely transformed my life. Now, whenever I wish to learn about something, I just go and buy an audiobook on that topic and listen to it in the car. This method also works if you spend a lot of time commuting, perhaps not driving in the car, but on the subway or the train or whatever. Download the book to your tablet or smart phone, put in your ear buds and listen while you commute. It’s also a good method for the person who may not struggle with reading, but perhaps you just find it difficult to find the time in your schedule to read.

Of course, not all books are found in audio version. Even so, many books are available in an audio book version, and more and more are added on daily basis as authors are discovering how important it is to have an audio version and demand increases day by day.

I have also found it to be cost-efficient, as well. While regular books can cost up to $60 each, with audible, books range between $9 and $15 per book. This is based on the subscription plan you choose. They offer different plans with varying amounts of credit. Basically, one credit will buy you one book or you can buy the books directly from audible without subscripting into any monthly plan, but of course the books will cost you a bit more, up to $30.

This method has given me a huge advantage for learning. Not only does it make learning more mobile for me, but it also allows me to learn on demand based on any topic that I want to learn about and in a very efficient way.


(Cashflow Quadrant) by Robert T. Kiyosaki

About a month ago I finished the book (Cashflow Quadrant) By Robert T. Kiyosaki and below are the major interesting things that I found from the book in brief:-

  • The cash flow quadrants are (E) for Employee (who usually look for security and benefits without taking any risks and by that they think they are safe. The E works for the system), (S) for Self Employed (They do everything by themselves and don’t like to depend on others because they think that they are the best. The S is the system), (B) for Business owner (they usually surround themselves by smart people and delegate work for them. The B creates, owns or control the system) and (I) for Investor (who makes money with money. They don’t have to work because their money is working for them. The I invest money into the system).
  • Poor Dar said: – I’m not interested in money, I will never be rich, I can’t afford it, Investing is risky and Money is not everything. While Rich dad said: – it’s foolish to spend your life working for money and to pretend that money is not important. Rich dad believed that life is more important than money so you need money in order to have time for yourself and family to enjoy life and to spend some time with your kids.
  • Anyone can change quadrants but changing quadrants is not like changing jobs or changing professions. Changing quadrants is often a change at the core of who you are, how you think, and how you look at the world. The change is easier for some people than others simply because some people welcome change and others fight it. And changing quadrants is often a life-changing experience. Not only you will change but so will your friends. While you will still be friends with your old friends.
  • Many people can make a better hamburger than McDonald’s but who can make a better system then McDonald’s.
  • Success is a poor teacher; we learn the most about ourselves when we fail so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success. So unsuccessful people are the people who never fail.
  • The hard thing about building a company from scratch is that you have two big variables: the system and then people building the system.
  • Find a mentor not an adviser, the mentor is someone who has already done what you want to do while the adviser is someone who tells you how to do things but has not personally done it.
  • A traditional way about learning about systems is to get your MBA from a prestigious school and get a fast track job up the corporate ladder. An MBA is important because you learn the basics of accounting and how the financial numbers are related to the systems of a business. Yet, just because you have MBA does not automatically mean you are competent to run all the systems that ultimately make up a complete business system.
  • Working for a successful major corporation is like being paid by your mentor.
  • To be successful, you need to learn to overcome your fear of being rejected, and to stop worrying about what other people will say about you. (What you think of me is none of my business. What is most important is what I think about myself).
  • Anything important cannot really be learned in the classroom. It must be learned by taking action, making mistakes, and then correcting them. That is when wisdom sets in.
  • What matter is not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.
  • You should learn how to see money by your brain not by your eyes.
  • Most people struggle financially because they spend their lives using opinions rather than facts when making financial decisions. Opinions such as your house is an asset, the price of real state always goes up, Blue chip stocks are your best investment, it take money to make money, stocks have always out performed real estate, your should diversify your portfolio, you have to be dishonest to be rich, investing is risky, play it safe.
  • You can always quit so why quit now?
  • If you want to be successful then you need to control your emotions. Emotional Brain is usually 24 times bigger than the rational brain that’s why most of us take an emotional decisions rather than logical or professional decisions.
  • People who are afraid of losing money do the same things in real life like people who stay in marriages where there is no longer any love, people who stay at dead-end jobs, people who hang on to old clothes and stuff they will never use, people who stay in towns where they have no future and people who stay friends with people who hold then back.
  • When the fear of losing money comes up, most people’s minds automatically start chanting these words: security rather than freedom, avoid risk rather than learn to manage risk, play it safe rather than play it smart, I can’t afford it rather than how can I afford it, It’s too expensive rather than what is worth it long term, diversify rather than focus and what will my friends think rather than what do I think.
  • To be successful in the B or I quadrant requires financial intelligence, systems intelligence and emotional intelligence.
  • The six closest people that you spend the most time with are your future so you need to choose them carefully and wisely.
  • If you want to learn something new then be prepared to be disappointed.
  • Just as inside every problem lies an opportunity, inside every disappointment lies a priceless gem of wisdom.
  • The reason there are few self-made rich people is because few people can tolerate disappointment. Instead of learning to face disappointment, they spend their lives avoiding it.
  • Many people will not head down the street until all the lights are green. That’s why they don’t go anywhere.
  • The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.
  • Your boss’s job is to give you a job. It’s your job to make yourself rich.
  • Take action, believe in yourself and start today.

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Robert Kiyosaki Explains The Cash Flow Quadrant

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Work to Learn

Work where you love to work and always work to learn and don’t work for only the money and imagine yourself in a short journey as an employee only to learn from it and get some experience and then takeoff as a business owner and start from now to think about your future business maybe you will implement it in 1 year or 5 years or even maybe 10 years, it doesn’t matter just start planning it from now.

By Ahmed Al Kiremli

Why You Should Read Books?


Many people ask themselves the following question (Should I Read Books?) The first answer that comes to their mind after this question is (And Why Should I?). Of course this answer became more common after the development of technology which left people thinking: books are boring, I can get the information from TV, I can search the Internet for a quicker answer, I know that from my experience, I’m old enough to know about that, I don’t have time, I’m too lazy to read books that will take me a week, month or year and the most arrogant answer (I Know Everything, I Know Enough or I Know Everything About That So Why Should I Read More)!!!???.

Can You Surprise Yourself?

I remember I was always saying to people, and to myself, that I hate reading because I like to receive the information visually from TV, DVD or other Visual methods. That’s how my thinking was during my entire life. I think I may have been the world’s biggest hater of reading. So why did that strong dislike for reading change?

What’s the First Step to Start Reading?

How did I start to love reading and what is the first step to make that change? The first step happened after I began my education to earn my second degree. The reason was simply because I started reading about what I love to do. I read about what I’m good at which was very different than what I was reading while pursuing my first degree, I disliked the content very much. So the first step to starting to enjoy reading is to READ ABOUT WHAT YOU LOVE or WHAT YOU ARE GOOD AT.

The Big Mistake

Many people open a business without having any idea about it. They make this decision because they think the business that they chose will be successful because they saw other successful business owners. It’s not enough to know only from what you see, you need to know more from reading about that subject or business. By challenging yourself to learn more through reading you can save yourself regret caused by uninformed decisions in the future. The information is around you in the libraries, it usually very cheap but very valuable. Now the internet is providing a cheaper and faster way as well through ebooks.

Why Reading Books?

The next step after starting to read about what you love or what you are good at is to START READING ABOUT WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT OR WHAT YOU ARE VERY BAD AT. If you are struggling with anything in your life in terms of business, finance, money, cooking, traveling, self-development, planning, communication or any subject or new challenge, then go and buy a book about that topic. The information is everywhere around you, so take action and go educate yourself about what you don’t know. Learn more about what you are bad at, or any topic or skill that you want to improve.

How To Create Time for Reading?

You don’t need to set aside more than 1 hour per day for reading and educating yourself, but usually the answer is (I don’t have even 1 hour per day). Well you will have time if you know how to plan your day. If you don’t know how to plan your time, then go and buy a book about time management. The easiest solution is if you feel that you don’t have time, even if you are managing your time well, go and buy 3 or 4 books about the subjects that you want to learn about and put them in different places around your environment. You can put them in the car, next to your bed, in the living room, in your handbag or put one e book in your computer, phone or iPad. Then, whenever you feel that you have an extra 5 or 10 minutes, then you have your backup book right next to you to fill that small time more efficiently.

I have done this and now enjoy my time if somebody shows up late for a meeting, or if I have to wait for somebody, or if I have a couple of hours between two meetings. I immediately pull out my backup book and start reading. Usually I keep one book next to my bed, another in the living room, another in the car, another in my Squash bag and another in my computer bag, so my backup books are everywhere.

Reading will positively change your life, business, mindset, skills and so many other things, so take action now and make the change. You are surely in a much better situation and mindset than where I was before I started reading. I will never forget my father said “I’m so impressed and surprised because until a few years ago, you didn’t read any book, not even a story about Micky Mouse) :-).