The Soloist (2009)

By Ahmed Al Kiremli

Movie Story
In 2005, journalist Steve Lopez is trying to find a story to write for the Los Angeles Times when he meets a homeless musician on the streets of L.A., a mentally ill but very talented violinist. Steve Lopez (Robert Downey, Jr.) becomes very close friends with Nathaniel Anthony Ayers (Jamie Fox). He tries his best to help the homeless man finds himself and develop his talent again.

My Opinion

There are two great actors, Robert Downey, Jr., and Jamie Fox, and that’s what really drew me to watch it. Well, the movie was pure drama, a bit slow, not so interesting as the story was very sad but touching. The performances of both Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Fox were brilliant, but the story wasn’t perfect, and the directing was slow and dragged down the movie.

My Rating


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Drama, Musical/Performing Arts, Adaptation and Biography


Joe Wright, Known for / Atonement (2007), Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Main Cast

Robert Downey Jr., Jamie Fox and Catherine Keener

The Soloist Trailer

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