
A Must read great book if you want to master the game of mastery, you must read this book to expand your mindset, horizon and learn from the mentioned stories and lessons in this book to unlock your path to learning more skills and then to understand the different paths to mastery, Robert Greene is a master author and storyteller, his care for the details of describing the stories and analysing it’s just mind blowing. Click Here to get this Book.

“We are all in search of feeling more connected to reality—to other people, the times we live in, the natural world, our character, and our own uniqueness. Our culture increasingly tends to separate us from these realities in various ways. We indulge in drugs or alcohol, or engage in dangerous sports or risky behavior, just to wake ourselves up from the sleep of our daily existence and feel a heightened sense of connection to reality. In the end, however, the most satisfying and powerful way to feel this connection is through creative activity. Engaged in the creative process we feel more alive than ever, because we are making something and not merely consuming, Masters of the small reality we create. In doing this work, we are in fact creating ourselves.”

“At your birth a seed is planted. That seed is your uniqueness. It wants to grow, transform itself, and flower to its full potential. It has a natural, assertive energy to it. Your Life’s Task is to bring that seed to flower, to express your uniqueness through your work. You have a destiny to fulfill. The stronger you feel and maintain it–as a force, a voice or in whatever form– the greater your chance of fulfilling this Life’s Task and achieving mastery.”

Some of the quick notes that I wrote while listening to the book

  • -Money comes from focus on Mastery
  • -In disasters we should stick to what we know to gain our confidence back 
  • -Apprenticeship starts when ever you start new career and bring in it unsafety
  • -The goal of Apprenticeship not money, title, deploma or a good position rather the transformation of your mind and character
  • -We learn the best by practise 
  • -Focus on learnimg one skill at a time and avoid multitasking
  • -Its better to spend 2-3 hours in focused learning for a skill than spending 8 hours of defused sessions 
  • -Learning any skill deeply leads you to mastery
  • -The future is for people who learn more skills and combine them in a creative way
  • -Learn from failure as entrepreneur and act quickly on your ideas
  • -Combine the why and how
  • -Absorb the master power
  • -The mentor way of learning is the most efficient way of learning
  • -Deal with Fools as part of life like rocks or furniture
  • -Focus creativaly on the absent need more than on developing what exist
  • -Looking only at the problem will narrow your mind 
  • -Creative people in all their scenes not only by thier words, they feel everything around them
  • -Deadlines push you to be more creative to achieve more
  • -Feel doubt and optimism at the same time and avoid extreme 
  • -To create a meaningful work of art or great discovery or invention is required discipline, self control, emotional stability and requiring mastering the different forms of your field
  • -You must not ignore the years of practice, endless routines, the hours of doubt, and the skill of overcoming obstacles, creative enegry is the fruit of such efforts and nothing else
  • -No moment is wasted if you pay attention and learn the lessons contained in every experience, by constantly applying yourself to the subject that suits you and attacking it from many diffeent angles, you are simply enriching the ground for these seeds to take roots, you may not see this process in the present but its happening, never losing your connection to your life tasks you will unconsciously hit upon the right choices in your life, overtime mastery will come to you.
  • -To learn its requied a sense of humility because there are some people know better than us because of their authority, the problem sometimes we are not comfortable with that because we think that we can learn it and do it ourself because we are confident in ourselves and our self learning ability 
  • -Life is short thats why you need mentors who’s superior to you in the field that you want to excel, your most creative years is between 20s-40s, you can learn from books but books has general information thats not custom made for you because the process is hit and miss
  • -Know when to quit a mentor
  • -You must get the sharpness dose of reality, self-help books are designed to be soft and not hurt us with our deep reality which is hurt us more in result by telling us how good we are 
  • -People take off the mask that they wear in public in the heat of the moment 
  • -Speak Through your work
  • -You can’t find anything new if you are unwilling to leave the shore 


“There exists a form of power and intelligence that represents the high point of human potential. It is the source of the greatest achievements and discoveries in history. Let us call this sensation mastery — the feeling that we have a greater command of reality, other people, and ourselves. And at the root of this power is a simple process that leads to mastery — one that is accessible to all of us. In this process leading to this ultimate form of power, we can identify three distinct phases or levels. The first is the Apprenticeship; the second is the Creative-Active; the third, Mastery.”


“In the first phase, we stand on the outside of our field, learning as much as we can of the basic elements and rules. We have only a partial picture of the field and so our powers are limited.”

Apprenticeship Phases – the 3 steps or modes

  • Deep absorvatin the passive mode
  • Skills acquisition the practice mode
  • Experimentation the active mode


“In the second phase, through much practice and immersion, we see into the inside of the machinery, how things connect with one another, and thus gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject. With this comes a new power — the ability to experiment and creatively play with the elements involved.”


“In the third phase, our degree of knowledge, experience, and focus is so deep that we can now see the whole picture with complete clarity. We have access to the heart of life — to human nature and natural phenomena. That is why the artwork of Masters touches us to the core; the artist has captured something of the essence of reality. That is why the brilliant scientist can uncover a new law of physics, and the inventor or entrepreneur can hit upon something no one else has imagined.”

My Favourite Quotes from the Book

“We are all in search of feeling more connected to reality—to other people, the times we live in, the natural world, our character, and our own uniqueness. Our culture increasingly tends to separate us from these realities in various ways. We indulge in drugs or alcohol, or engage in dangerous sports or risky behavior, just to wake ourselves up from the sleep of our daily existence and feel a heightened sense of connection to reality. In the end, however, the most satisfying and powerful way to feel this connection is through creative activity. Engaged in the creative process we feel more alive than ever, because we are making something and not merely consuming, Masters of the small reality we create. In doing this work, we are in fact creating ourselves.”

“It is in fact the height of selfishness to merely consume what others create and to retreat into a shell of limited goals and immediate pleasures.”

“Think of it this way: There are two kinds of failure. The first comes from never trying out your ideas because you are afraid, or because you are waiting for the perfect time. This kind of failure you can never learn from, and such timidity will destroy you. The second kind comes from a bold and venturesome spirit. If you fail in this way, the hit that you take to your reputation is greatly outweighed by what you learn. Repeated failure will toughen your spirit and show you with absolute clarity how things must be done.”

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”

“In the future, the great division will be between those who have trained themselves to handle these complexities and those who are overwhelmed by them — those who can acquire skills and discipline their minds and those who are irrevocably distracted by all the media around them and can enver focus enough to learn.”

“At your birth a seed is planted. That seed is your uniqueness. It wants to grow, transform itself, and flower to its full potential. It has a natural, assertive energy to it. Your Life’s Task is to bring that seed to flower, to express your uniqueness through your work. You have a destiny to fulfill. The stronger you feel and maintain it–as a force, a voice or in whatever form– the greater your chance of fulfilling this Life’s Task and achieving mastery.”

“They all overvalued the importance of stability.”

“People around you, constantly under the pull of their emotions, change their ideas by the day or by the hour, depending on their mood. You must never assume that what people say or do in a particular moment is a statement of their permanent desires.”

“Most people don’t have the patience to absorb their minds in the fine points and minutiae that are intrinsically part of their work. They are in a hurry to create effects and make a splash; they think in large brush strokes. Their work inevitably reveals their lack of attention to detail – it doesn’t connect deeply with the public, and it feels flimsy.”

“Become who you are by learning who you are.”

“You must understand the following: In order to master a field, you must love the subject and feel a profound connection to it. Your interest must transcend the field itself and border on the religious.”

“If you allow yourself to learn who you really are by paying attention to that voice and force within you, then you can become what you were fated to become—an individual, a Master.”

“If we experience any failures or setbacks, we do not forget them because they offend our self-esteem. Instead we reflect on them deeply, trying to figure out what went wrong and discern whether there are any patterns to our mistakes.”

“Creative Endeavors are by their nature uncertain.”

“In the end, the money and success that truly last come not to those who focus on such things as goals, but rather to those who focus on mastery and fulfilling their Life’s Task.”

“Understand: we live in the world of a sad separation that began some five hundred years ago when art and science split apart.”

“What offers immediate pleasure comes to seem like a distraction, an empty entertainment to help pass the time. Real pleasure comes from overcoming challenges, feeling confidence in your abilities, gaining fluency in skills, and experiencing the power this brings.”

“Finally, you must not see this process of moving through levels of intelligence as merely linear, heading towards some kind of ultimate destination known as mastery. Your whole life is a kind of apprenticeship to which you apply your learning skills. Everything that happens to you is a form of instruction if you pay attention. The creativity that you gain in learning a skill so deeply must be constantly refreshed, as you keep forcing your mind back to a state of openness. Even knowledge of your vocation must be revisited throughout the course of your life as changes in circumstance force you to adapt its direction. In moving toward mastery, you are bringing your mind closer to reality and to life itself. Anything that is alive is in a continual state of change and movement. The moment that you rest, thinking that you have attained the level you desire, a part of your mind enters a phase of decay. You lose your hard-earned creativity and others being to sense it. This is a power and intelligence that must be continually renewed or it will die.”

